Friday, 15 April 2011

ICT assignment ( CET08 ) - Web Quest Storyboard

Web quest storyboard

1.    Introduction :

You are a journalist for an online leisure magazine. You are asked to design a brochure on music for leisure and its benefits.

2.    Task :

a)     Design a brochure using the resources both online and offline for 3 types of Chinese musical instruments for leisure.
b)     Provide information on benefits of playing musical instruments.

3.    Resources :

1.      Text :

2.      Pictures :

4.    Process :

a)     Select a brochure template from Microsoft Publisher or using Microsoft word. Use online, books and non-print resources to find the information needed and add pictures to make your brochure attractive.
b)     Use the Brochure evaluation tool to guide your brochure design and information.
c)      Present your brochure in an exhibition held during ‘Music Carnival’.

5.    Evaluation :
Use the brochure evaluation tool ( brochure rubric ) to evaluate the brochure.

6.    Conclusion :
a)  Plan an exhibition during ‘Music Carnival’ to display the brochure
b)  Promote music for leisure and its benefits to be part of youth’s leisure by
distributing brochures.

ICT assignment ( CET08 ) - Brochure Rubric

NAME : _______________________           DATE: _______________________

GRADE: ______________________           TEACHER: ___________________

Brochure Rubric

(4) Excellent
(3) Good
(2) Almost
(1) Not Yet
Attractiveness & Organization
The brochure has attractive formatting, is in point form and has very well organized information.
The brochure has attractive formatting, is in point form and has organized information.
The brochure has adequate formatting, is in point form and is somewhat organized.
The brochure's formatting and organization of material are confusing to the reader. Information is not in point form.
Content - Accuracy
The brochure has all of the required information and some additional information.
The brochure has all of the required information.
The brochure has half of the required information.
The brochure has little of the required information.
Writing – Mechanics:
Sentence Form


All of the writing is in complete sentences. Capitalization, punctuation and spelling are correct throughout the brochure.
Most of the writing is in complete sentences. Most of the capitalization, punctuation and spelling are correct throughout the brochure.
Half of the writing is in complete sentences. Some of the capitalization, punctuation and spelling are correct throughout the brochure.
Much of the writing is not in complete sentences. Much of the capitalization, punctuation and spelling is not correct throughout the brochure.
More than two neatly colored graphics are included and go well with the text.
Two neatly colored graphics are included and go well with the text.
Two graphics are included but do not always go well with the text. Graphics may or may not be colored or neat.
Less than two graphics are used and may or may not go with the text. Graphics may or may not be colored or neat.
Careful and accurate records are kept to document the source of 95-100% of the facts and graphics in the brochure.
Careful and accurate records are kept to document the source of 94-85% of the facts and graphics in the brochure.
Careful and accurate records are kept to document the source of 84-75% of the facts and graphics in the brochure.
Sources are not documented accurately or are not kept on many facts and graphics.


ICT assignment ( CET08 ) - Brochure

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Reflection 7-11 March 2011

Day 1 ( 7 March 2011 )
Topic 1 : Issues And Challenges In A Technology-Integrated Language Classroom
Topic 2 : Enhancing The Language Classroom Through Technology-Integrated Activities
Topic 3 : Enhancing Listening & Speaking Activities With Podcasts
          I learnt that technology can enable teachers to accommodate a variety of orientations to learning, track student progress, remediate struggling students and challenge advanced learners. Then, we were taught to develop students' Listening and Speaking skills through ELT Podcasts.
          I had my practice on recording an interview by using audacity and transferred it into MP3. This was my first experience and I faced a lot of problems but finally I could solved them with the help from my coursemates and lecturers.

Day 2 ( 8 March 2011 )
Topic 3 : Enhancing listening and speaking activities with podcasts
Topic 4 : Reading activities on web quests
         We were asked to continue our practice project where we could edit our podcast to make it to be a perfect one.
         Building a storyboard as a layout for web quest and develop it onto the blog was another new skill for me. I felt very excited on building my blog and upload all my projects onto it, but i faced difficulty in uploading those such things because the internet access here was very poor.

Day 3 ( 9 March 2011 )
Topic 4 : Reading activities on web quests
Topic 5 : Writing with multimodal texts
          Lecturers provided us with a lot of websites to get sample web quests, downloading musics and images that helped us to complete our projects of web quest and brochure.
          I also learnt to create a brochure assessment rubric to self-access the quality of my brochure.

Day 4 ( 10 March 2011 )
Topic 5 : Writing with multimodal texts
          Learnt to create a short video clip on advertising the trendy footwear by using the Windows Movie Maker and uploaded it onto my blog. It was quite tough for me to apply it because I never learnt it before.

Day 5 ( 11 March 2011 )
Topic 6 : Integrated language skills through project-based learning approaches
          Uploaded all our projects onto the blog and gave comments on our coursemates' blogs.

Podcast_Lei Kwai Kyn

Digital Writing_Lei Kwai Lyn

Storyboard Mr Hare’s Hot Steppers ( Lei Kwai Lyn )

TITLE OF PROJECT:Mr Hare’s Hot Steppers (Teenage footwear)


Black screen
Title: Mr Hare’s Hot Steppers
Mr Hare’s Hot Steppers make shoes sandalsand
Boots for teens.

Image of brand/logo
Fade out ease 2x
Our new line “Soles soul”uses materials  such as
Jute,crepe,cork. And water-based glue.

Images of shoes,boots of
Different materials
Fade in and ease in 2x
This brand is committed to making products that
are 100% sustainable, but they have a couple of
other things going for them as well:cool designs
and affordability.

Images of footwear
Fade in and ease in 2x
Offering styles ranging from retro-styled sneakers
To urban lace-ups,there’s something for everyone,
With most styles priced between 50 to 100 Ringgit.

Images of various footwear
Fade in anf ease out 2x

Black screen
Credits: Produced  by
              Lei Kwai Lyn